sometimes you have to quit

sometimes you have to quit. not just a job or a relationship, but an action, a wish, a deep seated desire. because it’s not there. as hard as you try it’s not there. and when you finally give up, after hours and days and weeks of pushing, there’s a peace and understanding. a grace. a gift that allows you to be here and now, present to enjoy and relax, and know that everything will work out. it always does.

it’s been a trip. I quit. I feel a little burned on the edges but now I see just how strong I am and that’s not always a good thing.


  1. One afternoon when I was 28, I threw myself on the bed crying wondering why life was so dang hard. I felt like I was always fighting, and I was tired of fighting all the time and then I had an epiphany, “Why are you always fighting ‘the world’ when the world doesn’t even know you exist?” I suppose to suddenly realize one’s own insignificance could make a lot of people feel worse, but I suddenly felt liberated. All eyes are not on me, and I might not be able to make really big changes in a small amount of time, but I could make small changes. I could make the world a better place in little ways and maybe those small changes help others, and we create a small ripple of good throughout the world. It may not be a tsunami, but then tsunamis by their creation are violent and that’s not the kind of power I need to be as one human being.

    I hope whatever you are going through sets you on a path that feels authentically you. ((A virtual warm hug to you))


  2. You’ve hit it on the head, mine too :). Some of these feelings are mine and some are just humanity doing it’s thing and that feels as deep and personal, even when I am no where near it.
    I try to describe monumental feelings in a minimal way cause I guess I still want to live that tiny house life.
    Thank you so much for your comment and for the hug. I will get through this because I always do and I will most certainly come out the other side authentically me!


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